"St Mary's gets boarding right" - St Mary's Anglican Girls' School

“St Mary’s gets boarding right”

POSTED August 2 2023 , Boarding, News

There are many things to consider when choosing a boarding school, but nothing is more important than feeling welcome and knowing that you are joining a friendly community. 

That is the view of Lindsay and Kaye Brownley, who could not be happier with their decision to send their daughters Madison and Jorja to St Mary’s.

During a regional field day, Lindsay was told that he would know instantly which boarding school was the right fit for his daughters. And that advice proved to be true when he and his family toured St Mary’s.

“As soon as we arrived at St Mary’s and saw the big open spaces, it just felt right straight away,” Lindsay said.

“When we walked into the boarding house, it just had the right feel. Everything just flowed and you got a sense of the love within the boarding house. That was a huge factor in our decision.”

Kaye echoed her husband’s sentiments, adding that her daughters immediately felt at home in St Mary’s boarding house.

“My girls had an instant good feeling about St Mary’s. When we walked inside, the boarding house staff and some of the students that were mingling around all had smiles on their faces. We instantly felt welcome.

“It was evident that the boarding house staff had a genuine interest in the girls residing there and they took an immediate interest in my girls. They wanted to learn more about them and what they liked and didn’t like.”

Another thing that appealed to Kaye and Lindsay was that all of St Mary’s boarding facilities were located under one roof.

“At the other schools, the girls had to cross roads or courtyards to go to breakfast or lunch – and they had to be dressed in their uniforms to do so. At St Mary’s, they can wander down to breakfast in their pyjamas. St Mary’s boarding house just had a homely feel to it,” Kaye said.

Madison and Jorja have now been boarding at St Mary’s for almost four and two years respectively – and Kaye and Lindsay couldn’t be happier with their decision.

“All I can say is that when you are choosing a boarding school for your children, you need to get a feel for the boarding house and program. If the boarding program isn’t right, then the school won’t be right. St Mary’s gets boarding right.”