Parents’ Society

St Mary’s Parents’ Society provides all parents with opportunities to participate in and contribute to the many school-related social activities which take place each year. The goal of the Parents’ Society is to organise events that enable parents to meet on a formal and informal basis and engage parents in the day-to-day activities of the School. All parents are invited to attend our Parents’ Society meetings, which provide a forum for parents to raise ideas or concerns. Alternatively, you can contact individual members of the elected Committee or your Year Group Representatives. We welcome your input and assistance to achieve our goals for the good of the wider St Mary’s community.

The aims of St Mary’s Parents’ Society are:

Parent’s Society St Mary’s contact:
Rebecca Payne, Deputy Principal (Students and Wellbeing) (08) 9341 9111 or

In addition to our Parents’ Society, we have other special interest groups:

St Mary’s Fathers’ Group

Our Fathers’ Group provides a safe and inclusive environment where fathers and father figures can learn, share and connect with each other, as well as engage with their daughters.

Friends of Music

Our music department has a dynamic group of parents who provide invaluable support to the music program. St Mary’s ‘Friends of Music’ assist the Director of Music with a variety of activities and functions. This may include setting up for performances, serving refreshments at music events or helping to distribute promotional material.