Excursion helps students explore cell biology
POSTED April 30 2024 , Academic, News, Senior School
Last week, 40 of our Year 8 students stepped into the hallowed halls of the Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research to decode the intricate language of cells.
The students delved deeper into their Science studies by focusing on cell biology.
They explored the intricate structure and function of cell organelles, examined the difference between healthy and cancerous cells and honed their laboratory skills by mastering micropipetting and cell staining techniques.
The girls utilised their new skills to produce images of Hela cells and cancerous cells cultivated at Harry Perkins.

Gifted and Talented Science Coordinator, Emma Penglis, said it was an engaging and enriching excursion.
“The Science staff were delighted to witness our students actively engaging with scientists and gaining hands-on experience in a real laboratory setting,” she said.