St Mary’s News

St Mary’s Netball Club success

We are thrilled to announce that four of our St Mary’s Netball Club teams were crowned season champions following Grand Final triumphs at the weekend! Congratulations to our Year 8

Architects assess student designs

For the past five weeks, our Year 8 students have been working to create a passive solar design home incorporating features including appropriate block orientation, building materials, colour palette, window

Sophie wins national storytelling award

Congratulations to Year 12 student, Sophie, who won the Young Adult Prose section of the recent Laura Literary Award for her short story, Stolen. The judges were glowing in their

From the farmyard to campus

Our Kindergarten students have been learning about the role that farms and farmers play in society this term, so they were thrilled to see some farmyard animals in person recently.

“St Mary’s gets boarding right”

There are many things to consider when choosing a boarding school, but nothing is more important than feeling welcome and knowing that you are joining a friendly community.  That is

Budding artists receive high praise

Our creative and talented art students have impressed some of Perth’s most discerning art critics across a slew of exhibitions and competitions lately. Year 11 student, Denby, was one of