Response to Workplace Gender Equality Agency Report
POSTED February 27 2024 , News
In the annual Workplace Gender Equality Agency (WGEA) Report published today, St Mary’s is reported as having an average pay gap of 8.7% and a median pay gap of 22.7% across its academic and non-academic workforce.
The disproportionately high median figure can largely be explained by the number of women the School employs, many in part-time roles. Eighty percent of St Mary’s workforce are women and a high proportion of this group are employed as academic, boarding or support staff in term-time roles – 38 weeks per year compared to the full-time equivalent of 48 weeks. As explained by the WGEA in its Gender Pay Gap Analysis Guide p7,
“In this example below, an organisation that has an equal number of men and women in management roles, but a higher proportion of women in non-management/junior roles. Although the average total remuneration of men and women is equal at a management level and at the non-manager level, the higher number of women in non-management lowers the average remuneration for women across the organisation. This creates a gender pay gap in favour of men.“

St Mary’s staff are employed under Enterprise Agreement and Award conditions that ensure equal pay for equal work. Our Executive is also comprised of 89% women.
We are fully committed to workplace gender equality for our employees – male or female.