Students top state in Linguistics Olympiad
POSTED June 7 2024 , News
Congratulations to our students who performed strongly in the recent 2024 Australian Computational and Linguistics Olympiad this year.
The competition comprises three rounds, where teams of up to four students answer questions about languages from around the world. They must use what little information is given about the language and their analytical and problem-solving skills to answer the questions.
Top students from French, Italian and Japanese participated this year.
Round 1 is a regional round held in each state, on the same day and time across each time zone. Round 2 is a national round featuring the top teams from each state or territory. Round 3, the international round, features the top two senior teams from each country. It is held in a different country each year. This year, the international round is held in Brasilia, the capital of Brazil in July.

In Round 1, 2573 students across Australia participated, amounting to 661 teams from 94 schools. St Mary’s entered five teams across the junior and senior divisions.
In the junior division, we had 11 students in three teams and in the senior division, eight students in two teams.

We are thrilled to share that one of our senior teams – made up of Year 12 students Gloria, Emma, Lizzy and Annie – placed first out of 24 teams in Western Australia and earned their way through to the national round, which was held at the University of Western Australia.
Unfortunately, they did not advance to the final international round, but they should be commended for their efforts.