Year 12s create care packages for worthy cause
POSTED November 17 2022 , News
Our Year 12 Children, Family and the Community General students recently designed and produced culturally responsive care packages for distribution to Indigenous mothers and children as a way to connect their knowledge of advocacy with a real-world outcome.
The class researched the work of local community organisation Daydawn, which advocates, lobbies and negotiates with government and non-government agencies on behalf of Indigenous people, especially the Noongar people of Western Australia’s South West.
The students used a technology process to devise and create care packages that celebrated Indigenous culture and were tailored to their client’s needs. The result was 20 thoughtfully designed tote bags and backpacks adorned with original artwork by Noongar student Makayla. They were filled with items the student’s raised money for and purchased (such as hand sanitiser, lip balm and water bottles) or created themselves (such as baby tracksuit pants, beanies and bibs).
It was an incredible collaborative achievement for an important cause.