Year 4 project culminates in a culinary masterclass
POSTED August 11 2023 , Junior School, News
At the beginning of Term 2, our Year 4 students planted a variety of seedlings in our Junior School Vegetable Garden.
With the help of St Mary’s Groundsman, Gary, the girls carefully looked after their plants, helping them to grow in a variety of climactic conditions.
Earlier today, our young green thumbs reaped the rewards of their diligent work.
They harvested their produce in the morning and after researching the nutritional value of several recipes, the girls cooked up a meal for their Edible Garden Expo.
More than 50 parents and staff attended the Edible Garden Expo, which gave the students a forum to share their garden-to-plate stories and diners an opportunity to review their culinary creations.

Year 4 Teacher, Rachel Newman said the project was a roaring success.
“For the past week, the girls have been learning the health content from the Year 4 curriculum, which is centred on healthy eating. We explored the benefits of the five main food groups, what they do for the body and how they can incorporate them into their recipe for the Edible Garden Expo. The only requirement was that the ‘hero’ of their dish had to come from the garden,” Rachel said.
“The entire project has evolved around our Junior School Learning Assets – communication, collaboration, connection, research, self-management and thinking.“The girls did an amazing job and their recipes were fantastic. You could taste the freshness of the produce in the meals.”