Year 9s pitch innovative solutions
POSTED November 15 2023 , Academic, News, Senior School
Throughout Semester 2, our Year 9 Digital Technologies students have been participating in the Shell NXplorers Program, an educational program designed to help young people develop critical thinking and creative problem-solving skills so they can learn how to address the complex challenges faced by the world.
Today, the girls participated in the NXplorers Showcase, where they pitched their idea to judges from Shell Australia and showcased their work, creating solutions for our school community relating to food, water and energy.
An afternoon session was facilitated by Scott Millar of BOP Industries. Scott shared his story of turning his Year 9 business project into an international education company, and the lessons that he learnt along the way. He then guided students through a variety of activities, including discussions around the future of work, building a business and creating a ‘side hustle’.
The Shell NXplorers Program is a stepping stone to St Mary’s award-winning i3 Program, which the girls participate in the following year. Our i3 Program is a compulsory, year-long program where Year 10 students work in teams alongside industry mentors to develop a functional app, website or other digital solution to solve one of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals.